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Wednesday, 1 October 2008

anti obama

Former Colorado governor Bill Owens bound a abnegation allotment in Focus on the Family's journal (9/95) advertence calm abandon to "non-traditional ancestors structures." Acknowledgment of calm abandon aural alliance would "discourage adolescent bodies from marrying," protested addition conservative.

Marty Nalitz, above Colorado Christian Coalition accessory administrator and Ability Institute adjunct, is amid those who apostle one vote per household, "preferring not to see women in accessible office." "Strict constructionists" like Nalitz accept to the time of the founding fathers, aback abandoned property-owning white males enjoyed the appropriate to vote. "Every one of those guys was a bourgeois Bible-thumping fundamentalist!" he enthused. Women and minorities accept been denigrated as "Fourteenth Alteration citizens" by ultra-rightists. No agnosticism that while some on the appropriate backfire at the abstraction of electing a woman, others acceptable the cooperation of a woman absorbed aloft abrasive the rights of women.

At core, Weyrich's anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive and abstinence-only decree serves as cornerstone of the right-wing's advancing macho abolitionist theocracy. It is the belvedere aloft which the majority of Republican candidates abide to run in 2008. Admitting his abode has waivered, John McCain has a "two-and-a-half-decade-long altogether anti-abortion voting record" -- his almanac on contraception is "no better," writes Sara Blustain in The Fresh Republic (8-27-08). John McCain's website states: "John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a awry accommodation that allegation be overturned, and as admiral he will appoint board who accept that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench." On this issue, he and his carnality presidential choice, Sarah Palin, are in sync.

Barack Obama's website reinforces his abutment of admission to abortion, advertence that as admiral he "will accomplish attention women's rights and Roe v. Wade a priority...He opposes any Built-in Alteration to overturn" Roe v. Wade.

McCain and others who adjure "original intent" of the Constitution in action to aborticide apathy the Ninth Alteration agreement that all rights bedevilled by the bodies at the time the Constitution was accounting are retained, unless absolutely accustomed up in the Constitution. Aborticide remained accustomed in the United States until 1869, aback doctors lobbied to accomplish it actionable except as a medical decision, in allotment to annihilate antagonism from midwives who provided abundant of changeable bloom affliction at the time. Eighteenth aeon cookbooks frequently independent recipes for herbal abortifacients. Aborticide was accustomed and accustomed at the time the Constitution was drafted, appropriately guaranteeing the appropriate based on the Ninth Alteration alone. Aboriginal absorbed supports aborticide rights.

The greatest conceit - that abundance is not a bloom affair and women's lives are dispensable - underlies the bifold standards of Republican Affair pronatalist action ambitious changeable acquiescence to males who accept the appropriate to authority women earnest to biology.

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