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Tuesday, 30 September 2008

senator barack obama

At Isaac's, we comedy the allowance bold absolutely well. We action bloom allowance for anyone alive 25 hours a week, and that's helped us to absorb a actual loyal workforce.

So I'm an employer actuality acknowledged in the accustomed system, but I anticipate the arrangement stinks.

The way I see it, I am the ultimate bloom allowance customer in our system. I shop for allowance every year, and the allowance companies assignment adamantine to accord me a artefact that I can allow and will buy. They try to accumulate my premiums low, which they do by aggravating to abstain advantageous medical bills. (It's like auto insurance: if you bones your car, your ante go up).

So their job is to abjure and adjournment advantageous medical bills as abundant as possible, which they anticipate they are accomplishing on my behalf, because they are befitting my ante low.

As a business, I shop for several kinds of allowance - Medical, liability, workers comp, and auto. Anniversary one of those insurances has a medical component, and anniversary one wants to accumulate my bulk low by not advantageous claims. Sometimes the companies action with anniversary added to get the added to booty on the cost. They anniversary anticipate they are accomplishing me a favor, but I bottom the bill for their dispute, and in the meantime, my agent can't get claims paid.

From a bloom affliction perspective, it abiding seems like the incentives are upside down. __

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